HypnoBirthing, hypnobirthing readiness checklist, Amazing Birth, birth Preparation

Preparing for your Birth can be a stressful, overwhelming and confusing task.

You have so much to organise, wouldn’t it be nice if someone came to your house to talk to you about your birth. 

Your fears with relation to birth, Any complications you are worried about.

Take the opportunity to discuss your birth preferences, get informed about what you can choose.

Ask about all the things no one tells you about. Take the opportunity to get your partner and make a plan on how they can be involved in the birth of your baby, and your birth day.

Are you looking for your own midwife to journey with you through pregnancy?

Have you experienced disjointed care?

Are you looking for education because you don’t feel your care provider has time to discuss your care with you?

Do you feel completely in control of your care?

Have you considered having a private midwife for your pregnancy journey?

In addition to all this, you can have a Birth debrief to chat about your birth and everything that made up this wonderful day. How you felt and work through any questions. This is an opportunity to gush, vent or simply discuss your birth events with someone who understands, is interested and has insider knowledge. A chance to celebrate and work through your birth story together over a cuppa.

Private Birth Preparation Consult  Price $250

  • This includes a 2 hour in home consultation
  • Personalised Birth Plan drawn up for your family
  • Phone support until the birth to answer additional questions

Private Birth Preparation Consult and Birth Debrief Package Price $350

  • This includes a 2 hour in home consultation
  • Personalised Birth Plan drawn up for your family
  • 1 hour in home debrief 
  • Phone support until you are 6 weeks postpartum to answer additional questions and be available for support
  • Do you know what you want your birth to look like?
  • What you want your partner and birth team to be doing?
  • Do THEY know?
  • How are you preparing your mind and body for birth?
  • What are you and your partner doing to prepare together and ensure you are on the same page?
  • Have you considered what equipment is available and how it can be used?

Would you like the opportunity to discuss every aspect of your birth preferences so that you can feel ready, comfortable and capable of making decisions through your birth especially when things change?

labour support

The Benefits of a Private Birth Preparation Consult:


  • You have a clear image of your perfect positive birth
  • You feel confident to make choices now and later
  • You feel confident your birth team know what is expected of them, that they can advocate for you and your choices
  • You are completely in control and accountable for your birth
  • You feel sure about the environment you are walking into and what you want
  • You are open and aware of ALL of your options for movement, equipment use and alternative methods of labouring as well as pharmacological pain relief
  • Plus many more

Looking for MORE Childbirth Education?


  • In the last 50 years the average fertility rate has dropped from 3.5 to just less than 2 children.
  • In 20 years the percentage of women over 30 having their first child has risen from 23% to 43%. This could indicate more pressure or more need to intervene in your birth, as well as an increasing the possibility of less children. Your first birth does not have to define all your births, but it can certainly pave the way to easier and better subsequent births.
  • 1 in ten women experience antenatal depression, with 1 in 7 women experiencing postnatal depression
  • 1/3 of women are describing some aspect of birth as traumatic
  • 2-5% of women going on to develop PTSD, but some studies suggesting 24% of women partially symptomatic