
Do you have an elective C Section booked?

Pregnancy Preparation, cesarean birth education

Benefiting Birth and Beyond offer HypnoBirthing Classes for elective cesarean births.

Mothers can feel that an elective c-section will be taken out of their hands, in terms of control.

The classes teach mothers (and their support) what will be involved with your c-section, what is happening at each stage, and know what is coming next. 

This specialised birth class is specific to your cesarean needs, creating a positive and empowering experience for yourself and your partner.

We will teach you how your day will look, techniques to stay calm and how to best recover from a Cesarean section.

Join HypnoBirthing for elective c-section. Classes are run online so can be accommodated in your own time.



Benefits of a HypnoBirthing elective c-section:

  • Better understanding of how the day will pan out for you and your birth partner.
  • Less fear or anxiety about the procedure and recovery.
  • Techniques for keeping your mind calm and focussed.
  • Be informed and aware of what you can control on the day.
  • Undertand best practice postpartum and recovery for an elective cesarean.
  • Postnatal care of your child/children, bonding with your baby pre/post birth and breastfeeding.
new mothers brisbane, cesearean birth education, mindful birthing

What is included in HypnoBirthing for elective C-section Classes?

  • An online class that can be done in the comfort of your own home.
  • The importance of mindset and positive expectation for birth of baby.
  • Relaxation for healing
  • What is happening during a caesarean.
  • Positive C-section Birth Videos.
  • Recovering from Caesarean Birth.
  • Birth Preferences.
  • Full Postpartum Course included.
  • Booklet – download.
  • Full Postnatal package including Booklet.
  • Favourite Cheet Sheets.
  • >4 hours of videos.
  • Audio Tracks for relaxation.

HypnoBirthing for elective c section classes are taught by Charlotte, a registered midwife, a mum of 3 children, a birth educator, and a certified HypnoBirthing Instructor.

Childbirth education is her passion, and working in the hospital system she herself knows Birth Classes is one of the most important decisions you can make for yourself and your baby.  Labour is not the time of lengthy discussions or questions about what will happen: benefits/risks.

Feel calm and confident in your birth.  The decisions you make in birth can impact how you recover and how you feel afterwards.  


antenatal classes

HypnoBirthing for elective c-section is run online.  We offer this class Australia wide.