HypnoBirthing, Mindful Birthing, Childbirth, birth

Private Midwifery Services

What is a Private Midwife?

Having a Private Midwife is gold standard care for your pregnancy, birthing and postpartum journey. It is like GP shared care, except that your care is provided by a specialist in normal pregnancy and birth, someone genuinely invested in walking this journey with you and your family.

The benefits of hiring a Private Practice Midwife:

 – Continuity of Care – ONE person to provide antenatal care, the SAME person to call when labour starts that will be there through labour and birth, there to follow up and ensure your transition to motherhood is as gentle and supported as possible

 – Can prescribe and order medications, bloods and radiology (Ultrasounds), as there is only one primary care provider, follow up is ensured

 – Spends an hour with you each appointment not only assessing you and your babies physical wellbeing but your mental, emotional state, these appointments include education specific to your pregnancy, family and needs

 – Able to refer and consult with other health professionals if/as the need arises



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Private Midwife Support
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What do I offer in addition to the above?

 – I am a mum of three wonderful, roudy ratbags

 – I was lucky enough to have continuity of care for all of my pregnancies, in the form of MGP and private midwives – these amazing women, my birth stories have helped shape me into the midwife I am today

 – I am a homebirth mumma myself

 – 11 years midwifery experience across various settings in Darwin and Brisbane

 – 5 years HypnoBirthing experience

 – Extensive experience in Childbirth Education – creation of my Mindful Birthing program, online childbirth education, cesarean and postnatal programs

 – Passion for woman centred care – I want to work with you, share my knowledge and watch you create your empowering and positive birthing story


Private Midwife Offerings:

  • Home Birth
  • Birth Support in Hospital
  • Antenatal and/or Postnatal Care packages

Statement of Service

A Private Practice Midwife is a health professional specializing in normal pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal care and support. As your Private Practice Midwife, I believe in your ability to labour and birth, I am there to support you and your team and assist you to be informed to make decisions throughout your pregnancy and birthing journey. I am medicare eligible which means you will receive a rebate for most services I provide with a referral from your GP and booking at your local hospital. Prices are outlined in the price schedule above, including when full price is required, payment plans are available. Medicare rebates may be variable depending on the length of your birth and number of midwives required as part of your intrapartum care.

I will provide antenatal care for you during appointments at my clinic or in your home for an additional travel cost. Where issues arise or when medical conditions are present that fall outside my scope of practice, I will consult with relevant health professionals to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. A minimum number of appointments are required to ensure we feel comfortable with each other and I have adequate knowledge of your medical and personal needs regarding my attendance of your birth.

I will support your birth in hospital, as your midwife or your support dependent on your chosen hospital or at home. Where I am employed as a hospital support, you are aware that I am unable to provide midwifery care and am present in a support capacity only. I can discuss and assist in you informed decision making, however I am unable to speak on your behalf, nor am I able to perform any procedures in this capacity. Where birth occurs at home, a hospital booking is required in the event of safe and smooth transfer. A further contract is required to ensure your understanding of the insurance and registration requirements of my attendance, reasons when transfer is recommended and circumstances I will not attend birth at home.

In the event of an emergency I carry equipment to deal with initial management, including catheterization equipment, neonatal resuscitation, drugs for bleeding management, often this is enough for most complications. Where complications arise, paramedics will be contacted to attend to assist and transfer recommended. There are a number of emergencies that require quick management such as shoulder dystocia, these are discussed in your initial appointment not to create fear, however, to remove unnecessary trauma that may occur through interventions occurring quickly in the event they are required.

I will provide postnatal care until your baby is 6 weeks old, home visits provided days 1 to 3, day 5, 7 and weekly/fortnightly at the clinic dependent on your needs. I will provide Vitamin K (oral or injection) for women wanting this for their baby. I will attend to the neonatal screening test in your home.

I will travel within 40mins of my home for appointments, for appointments further away there is additional travel fee.