Childbirth Education, HypnoBirthing, Birth Preparation

Water for pain relief in labour and birth

Water – Shower/Bath/Effleurage The benefits of water for labour is outlined in more details especially in reference to women’s environment in another post found HERE. Briefly though water is well …

Sterile Water Injections

Sterile Water Injections Have you ever heard of these magical babies? Sting like a bee…to float like a butterfly… These dermal injections work on gateway theory – (what is gateway …

Narcotics and Breastfeeding

Words courtesy of Willow Durrington RM The World Health Organization (WHO) (2011) recommends that infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life and continue to receive breastmilk …

breastfeeding questions

Epidurals and Breastfeeding…what is the impact?

The benefits of breastfeeding is well researched, mothers benefit from a reduction in risk from many health concerns, protection from pregnancy related complications with ongoing health ramifications ie Pre-eclampsia and …

waterbirth, birth preparation, hypnobirthing, mindful birthing

Birth Environment – The role it plays

Privacy in the Birth Environment Introduction Research is evident and growing that the environment in which women birth plays a significant role in the experience and outcome of labor and …

Childbirth Education, HypnoBirthing, Birth Preparation

Mental Health in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Perinatal mental health (PMH) has a physical and lasting effects on women, their babies and those around them. The interplay of factors related to PMH and impacts are explored throughout …

Newborn Birth, hypnobirthing, birth preparation, sleep

Eden’s Birth Story

For many women, your first birth is your most difficult. It is the most fearful, the most full of unknown, a huge learning experience, For many women, the first labour …